Biosocial Walking: Investigating the emotions of urban walking for migrants from the global south

EP-2022-WK-02Project leader: Tess Osborne Human Geography, Dept of Geography, Geology and the Environment, U. of Leicester, Leicester, UK Partners Dr Danielle Drozdzewski, Assoc. Prof. in Human Geography, Dept of Human Geography, Stockholm University Abstract In ‘an age of migration’, feeling like one belongs has become paramount amid a highly mobile and globalised society – how

Investigating young men’s experiences of walking to the ‘bus’ in low income neighbourhoods of Cape Town and London: a comparative study built round a community peer research methodology 

EP-2022-WK-01Project leader: Gina Porter Dept of Anthropology, Durham University, Durham, UK Partners: • Prof. Bradley Rink, Assoc. Prof. / Head of Dept of Geography, Environmental Studies & Tourism, U. of Western Cape, STH AFRICA• Bulelani Maskiti, Independent Researcher/UCT, STH AFRICA• Sam Clark, Transaid Head of Programmes, National Institute of Transport, Mabibo Road, Dar es Salaam,

Modelling paratransit in low data environments in Africa

Centre for Transport Studies, Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment, University of Cape Town, South Africa. EP-2022-MAC-07, Prof. Zuidgeest, Mark Abstract Current methods of transport planning, in particular travel demand models, are inherently dependent on accurate representations of the land-use – transport system. Their established methods have been developing since the 1950s, exclusively in

VREF and Walk21 support national walking policies

A new partnership of Walk21 and Volvo Research and Education Foundation (VREF) will support up to 56 national governments with the development of effective national walking policies that deliver improvements to health and well-being, mitigate climate change, and reduce road fatalities. The policy training was announced on 15th November 2022, during the event titled The Role of

Towards comparative, historically informed research on contemporary African urban transport issues: A proposal for a research network

The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa EP-2019-MAC-01, Njogu Morgan, PhD, Post doctoral Fellow Abstract: Urban transport on the African continent is at a crossroads. One fork points towards the possibility of protecting and growing existing equitable and sustainable practices, such as walking and cycling. The other, as evidenced by some investments in motor-oriented

Institutional transformations for sustainable urban mobilities: An exploration of changes in Addis Ababa and Kampala

The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa EP-2020-MAC-03, Njogu Morgan, PhD, Post doctoral Fello Partners: Dr Gudina Terefe Tucho, Jimma University, Ethiopia Marcela Guerrero Casas Abstract: While socially cohesive and environmentally low-impact modes of transport, such as walking, cycling and public transit have historically received limited government support in sub-Saharan Africa, the tide appears

A comparative Assessment of the Quality of Walking and Cycling Infrastructure in Nakuru (Kenya) and Jinja (Uganda)

Sociology Multimedia University of Kenya EP-2021-MAC-08, Gladys M. M. Nyachieo, Sociology Multimedia University of Kenya Partners: Project Team Uganda Ms Esther Bayiga-Zziwa, Lecturer and PhD candidate, School of Public Health, Makerere University, Uganda. Leonard Mwesigwa, Founder and CEO, Inclusive Green Growth Uganda and Transport Engineer and PhD candidate Project Team Kenya Ms Paschalin Mbenge, Young