VREF invites PhD students and researchers at early stages of their careers (max 5 years after PhD exam) to apply for a VREF Study Visit Grant (SVG) to support a study visit with up to SEK 30 000.
The invitation is open to:
- (i) Research teams which are supported by the VREF Future Urban Transport (FUT) Program (see appendix 1: List of VREF supported programs and projects),
- (ii) PhD students and early-stage researchers from a Swedish University, University College or Research Institute,
- (iii) Recipients of the Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship, and
- (iv) participants in the SLOCAT-VREF Young Leaders in Sustainable Transport Program,
The grant must be used to visit a research team supported by the VREF FUT Program, or to visit a Swedish university. Participation at a major international conference can be included in the program of the study visit
The invitation to apply for grants 2023 will be open until October 31, 2023. The VREF Secretariat will handle applications on a monthly basis, and the applicant will be informed of the VREF decision within 6 weeks after the application has been registered at VREF.
An application should be submitted at latest 3 months in advance of the starting date for the study visit period.