ISM, Informal and Shared Mobility

Unlocking Better Work Conditions in the Informal Transport Sector Through Labour Impact Assessments – Catch Up with Recording from Our Research Forum

Welcome to catch up with this recording from a VREF Research Forum held 12 February 2025, focusing on services and workers’ conditions in informal transport. The Forum introduced a new research paper exploring the potential of labour impact assessments as a means to enhance workers’ conditions in Africa’s informal transport sector – and provided an

New research paper from VREF and International Transport Federation

The Volvo Research and Educational Foundations (VREF) and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) are proud to present a new research paper exploring the potential of labour impact assessments as a means to enhance workers’ conditions in Africa’s informal transport sector. The paper, which can be found at the bottom of this page, is available

The 3rd Paratransit / Popular Transportation Day at Transforming Transportation 2025

Dear colleagues in the VREF Community,If you are joining Transforming Transportation in Washington, D.C. this year we welcome you to also be part of Paratransit / Popular Transportation Day on March 13. For the full program and registration, please visit VREF is part of organizing  this day and looks forward to a mini-conference focusing

Get inspired! Short film showing how to capture complex work

Check out this video highlighting a recent VREF-funded project by the University of Pretoria’s Centre for Transport Development with partners, on how to provide better information for people using public transport in African cities. The video captures very interesting work, but is also a great example for those who seek inspiration on how to communicate

New Discussion Paper: Minibus Electrification in Africa

A workshop on minibus electrification in Africa was hosted by GIZ and VREF in Kigali on 11-13 June 2024 and attended by researchers, private sector practitioners and decision-makers from multiple African countries. As a result we are happy to present this new Discussion Paper, which was developed alongside the workshop. Questions explored are: How can current fossil fuel-powered

New Study on Informal and Shared Mobility in India

Dear colleagues in the VREF Community, Welcome to join a combined Research Forum and launch of our new report ”Informal and Shared Mobility (ISM): Status and Opportunities in India”. The launch takes place 17 January 2024 and is an opportunity for you to know more about this report, meet the researchers and peer-reviewers involved and

Recording: Global Launch of VREF ISM International Research Program

Dear colleagues in the VREF Community, This is the recording of the launch of a new International Research Program within VREF:s Informal and Shared Mobility in Low- and Middle Income Countries Program (ISM). The launch took place 12 December and gave participants opportunity to meet the researchers, hear about their plans for the coming years

Global Consortium wins VREF Research Grant for IRP

VREF have announced the winning research consortium for the three-year International Research Program (IRP) in Informal and Shared Mobility (ISM) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The consortium include nine countries and will be led by Columbia University’s Climate School’s Center for Sustainable Urban Development. READ FULL ARTICLE

Workshop summary report: Reimagining the techno-social infrastructure for collecting data

These were the framing questions when the Global Network for Popular Transportation (GNPT) ran a workshop on Paratransit Day at the Transforming Transportation Conference in Washington, D.C. earlier this year. More than fifty people from different countries participated. Researchers, program officers, development officers, and transportation professionals, representing nonprofits, private companies, development organizations, multilateral banks, and

New study: Global scan of data collection efforts in informal and shared mobility

Shared mobility and informal transportation address mobility and employment needs of people around the world. Data has a critical role to play in bringing visibility to this important sector and can help improve access, environmental sustainability, economic development, and better governance. A review by Agile City Partners took stock of efforts on collecting data on