Karin Henriksson

Global Consortium wins VREF Research Grant for IRP

VREF have announced the winning research consortium for the three-year International Research Program (IRP) in Informal and Shared Mobility (ISM) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The consortium include nine countries and will be led by Columbia University’s Climate School’s Center for Sustainable Urban Development. READ FULL ARTICLE

Workshop summary report: Reimagining the techno-social infrastructure for collecting data

These were the framing questions when the Global Network for Popular Transportation (GNPT) ran a workshop on Paratransit Day at the Transforming Transportation Conference in Washington, D.C. earlier this year. More than fifty people from different countries participated. Researchers, program officers, development officers, and transportation professionals, representing nonprofits, private companies, development organizations, multilateral banks, and

Meet the Lee Schipper Scholarship recipients

Three new researchers have been awarded the prestigious Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship for Sustainable Transport and Energy Efficiency for transformative research proposals that challenge conventional wisdom. Follow this link and read about Owen Mwaura, Carlos Rivera-Gonzalez and Shanshan (“Shirley”) Liu! The “Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship for Sustainable Transport and Energy Efficiency” targets supporting the momentum of Lee Schipper’s

Free Online Course: Essential GIS for Transport & Logistics

Starting October 2023 colleagues within the VREF MAC Network offer an opportunity to sharpen your skills on GIS for transport and logistics. 30 hours comprehensive, certified and asynchronous training will be offered via a free online course, sponsored by VREF. A short practical information follows below and full information is available in THIS FLYER (pdf).

New study: Global scan of data collection efforts in informal and shared mobility

Shared mobility and informal transportation address mobility and employment needs of people around the world. Data has a critical role to play in bringing visibility to this important sector and can help improve access, environmental sustainability, economic development, and better governance. A review by Agile City Partners took stock of efforts on collecting data on

Call for Abstracts – African Transport Research Conference 2024

We hope to see you in Cape Town Next Year – during the first African Transport Research Conference, taking place 5-7 March. The conference will be arranged and hosted by VREF and Center for Transport Studied at University of Cape Town. The deadline for the Call for Abstracts has been extended, to 1 August. See