GOTHENBURG 2024-08-29
Professor Johan Woxenius and Lund University awarded the Håkan Frisinger Prize
The Håkan Frisinger Foundation for Transportation Research has appointed Professor Johan Woxenius at the University of Gothenburg as this year’s scholarship recipient. The prize includes a guest research program at Lund University.
– We look forward to welcoming Johan Woxenius and jointly addressing important challenges in freight transport in the interaction between urban and rural areas, says Professor Henrik Pålsson.
The Håkan Frisinger Prize is awarded annually to a prominent transport researcher active at a Nordic university or research institute. This year, Johan Woxenius, Professor of Maritime Transport Management and Logistics at the University of Gothenburg is the recipient.
”Significant societal benefits”
– Johan Woxenius’ interdisciplinary research and extensive collaboration with various stakeholders have led to significant societal benefits, for example by improving the connection between container ports and the surrounding regions via rail. His proposed program at Lund University will provide excellent opportunities for academic collaboration as well as supervision and teaching in sustainable freight transport, says Thorbjörn Holmström, Chairman of the Board of Volvo’s Research and Educational Foundations (VREF).
In its motivation, VREF’s board also highlights that Johan Woxenius has a high international scientific reputation and a unique ability to explain complex contexts and challenges to the general public.
Will adress challenges in urban and rural freight distribution
The Håkan Frisinger Prize consists of an individual prize of 300,000 SEK and a period as a guest researcher at a university in Sweden (in this case Lund University) which receives a grant of 500,000 SEK.
In Lund, the research group for packaging logistics at the Faculty of Engineering, and Professor Henrik Pålsson, is the host.
– Lund University looks forward to welcoming Johan Woxenius and jointly addressing important challenges in urban and rural freight distribution, says Henrik Pålsson.
The program will include both research and education. The joint research will delve into several key areas at the intersection of urban transport and long-distance transport, as well as resilience in supply chains.
Award ceremony and open lectures
An award ceremony with open lectures by Johan Woxenius (and other lecturers to be confirmed) will be held in Gothenburg 9 October. The program will be announced on
For further information, please contact:
Karin Henriksson, Communication Manager, VREF, +46 725 022345
Håkan Frisinger was CEO of Volvo in 1983–1987, and Chairman of the Board in 1997-1999. The nomination of recipients of the Frisinger scholarship is conducted by the Chalmers University of Technology and Volvo Research and Educational Foundations (VREF). The decision about the scholarship is taken by the Board of the VREF. More information on the Håkan Frisinger Prize can be found here.