We are pleased to invite you to register for the 5th VREF Conference on Urban Freight. The theme for the 2023 Conference will be “Future urban freight transport research: Opportunities and challenges.”
Urban freight transport research has grown in recent years. The 5th VREF Conference on Urban Freight will focus on answering the following questions: How can this growth be maintained and developed? How to strengthen the links between research and implementation?

Program Overview
Day 1, October 18th, “Current state and research opportunities”
08:00-12:00 Presentation & Posters
12:00-13:00 Lunch break
13:00-17:00 Presentation & Posters
17:00 After Work
Day 2, October 19th, “Opportunities and challenges ahead”
08:00-12:00 Welcome & Introduction, Plenary sessions
12:00-13:00 Lunch break
13:00-17:00 Breakout sessions
19:00 Conference dinner
Day 3, October 20th, “Opportunities and challenges ahead”
08:00-12:00 Plenary sessions & Breakout sessions
12:00-13:00 End of the conference
Registration and details
The conference is free of charge and will take place from the 18th to the 20th of October. Day 1 (October 18th) will be at Uni3, Pumpgatan 1, 417 55 Göteborg. Day 2 & 3 (October 19th and 20th) will be at Lindholmen Science Park, Lindholmspiren 5, 402 78 Göteborg. Please register for the conference below and check regularly the conference website for updates. As the registration link was already sent to presenters (who submitted abstracts relating to Day 1) if you have already registered you do not need to register again.
The Urban Freight Platform (UFP) is an initiative supported by Volvo Research and Educational Foundations (VREF) on urban freight research based in Gothenburg, Sweden. The UFP works as a facilitator of academic research on urban freight within the context of the logistics competence centre Northern LEAD at the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology.
Summary of the program
Day 1 features about 45 posters and 21 lectern presentations of frontier research developed by researchers from more than 20 different countries in sessions relating to the following topics:
- Urban Comodality Equity in urban logistics
- Stakeholders engagement
- Sustainable urban planning
- User-centric last mile urban logistics
- New technologies in urban logistics
Day 2 and 3 look into opportunities and challenges ahead, During these days invited presentations, workshops, panels and break-out sessions will discuss how to strengthen the links between research and implementation. Some of the key topics of these 2 days are:
- New ways to manage urban space for freight transport and logistics
- Better kerbside management – solving conflicts and recent developments
- Service trips: What do we know and how can we find out more?
- Urban freight and issues of equity, justice and accessibility
- Using visualisation and storytelling in urban freight transport research
- Freight and urban planning in times of dramatic change
- Future developments in urban freight transport
- Urban logistics and the circular economy
- New business models in the face of new needs and challenges
- From research to implementation in urban freight transport – key developments and the way ahead
- Questions of governance related to urban freight transport and logistics
- Hubs and consolidation opportunities: Where next and who is leading?
- Improving event logistics as part of sustainable urban freight (event logistics includes deliveries related to exhibitions, concerts, sporting events etc.)
The conference features a wide range of confirmed and invited speakers and workshop/break-out session leaders/facilitators including:
- Walther Ploos van Amstel, Professor, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
- Joris Beckers, Professor, Department of Transport and Regional Economics, University of Antwerp, Belgium
- Paul Buijs, Professor, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
- Tom Cherrett, Professor, University of Southampton, UK
- Alison Conway, Professor, The City College of New York, New York, USA
- Catherine Gateri, Lecturer, Kenyatta University, Kenya
- Valerio Gatta, Professor and Director of TRELab, University of Roma Tre, Italy
- Carlos Gonzalez Calderon, Professor, National University of Colombia at Medellin, Colombia
- Travis Fried, Researcher, Urban Freight Lab, University of Washington, USA
- Jorge Gil, Professor, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
- Anne Goodchild, Professor and Director of the Urban Freight Lab, University of Washington, USA
- Peter Hagby, City of Gothenburg, Sweden
- Miguel Jaller, Professor, University of California Davis, USA
- Ann-Sofie Karlsson, City of Gothenburg, Sweden
- Maja Kiba-Janiak, Professor, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Poland
- Bram Kin, Scientist Urban Logistics, TNO, The Netherlands
- Edoardo Marcucci, Professor, University Roma Tre, Italy
- Leise de Oliveira, Professor, University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
- Daniela Paddeu, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Transport & Society, University of the West of England, UK
- Kelly Pitera, Professor, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
- Heleen Buldeo Rai, Senior Researcher, Mobilise research group, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
- Ian Wainwright, Director, Future City Logistics, UK
- Sönke von Wieding, Institute of Sustainable Development, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
- Jon Williamson, Senior Lecturer, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
We look forward to meeting you in Gothenburg!
Best Regards,The Organizing Committee of the 5th VREF Conference on Urban Freight