Investigating young men’s experiences of walking in secondary cities: A comparative study of walking in South Africa and the United Kingdom

WK-2023-EP-01Projoect Leader: Prof. Gina PorterDept of Anthropology, Durham University, South Road, Durham, UK. Partners: Abstract This proposal builds on our novel exploratory research in EP-2022-WK-01, which investigated an initial hypothesis that many young men walk city streets with considerable trepidation when travelling between home and public transport. That study constituted the first mobilities study purely

Using a Peer Research Methodology to Investigate Children’s Mobility Challenges in Secondary Cities in Ghana and Liberia: A Comparative Study of Cape Coast and Ganta

(WK-2023-EP-2)Project Leader: Jack JenkinsDept of Anthropology, Durham University, South Road, Durham, UK. Partners: Abstract This project investigates children’s daily mobility challenges in two secondary cites in West Africa – Cape Coast, Ghana and Ganta, Liberia. Using participatory peer research methods, children aged 9-18 will be trained as co-researchers to explore children’s walking experiences in growing

Walking and Freight Delivery Operations. Contrasting Space-Sharing Conflicts in Two Cities Within the Global South and North

WK-2023-EP-05 Project Leader: Catherine Waithera GateriKenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya. Partners: Abstract: Streets are contested public spaces due to the multiple users vying for access. Tensions between different transport modes in the use of street space are referred to as space-sharing conflicts. These conflicts arise from decisions, or the lack thereof, on by whom, how, and when street

Long-distance walking: a wildcard of mobility futures?

WK-2023-EP-07Farzaneh BahramiUrban Design and Mobility, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen, Netherlands Partners: Abstract: Walking as a mode of transport is important but generally considered as a shorter-distance solution, logic built into urban form, transport systems and related policies. This is limiting. Long-distance walking occurs and is significant for sustainable mobility futures. However, it

Work-walks and walkscapes: Women domestic workers’ lived experiences and contexts of mobility in Lima and Mumbai

WK-2023-EP-06Project Leader: Burte Himanshu Centre for Urban Science and Engineering (CUSE), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-B) Powai, Mumbai, India. Partners: Abstract: Walking practices are understudied in general, but qualitative understanding of the walking practices related to work – walking to, or for work – is especially weak in the literature. Northern contexts predominate in walking studies,

New Study on Informal and Shared Mobility in India

Dear colleagues in the VREF Community, Welcome to join a combined Research Forum and launch of our new report ”Informal and Shared Mobility (ISM): Status and Opportunities in India”. The launch takes place 17 January 2024 and is an opportunity for you to know more about this report, meet the researchers and peer-reviewers involved and

Workshop summary report: Reimagining the techno-social infrastructure for collecting data

These were the framing questions when the Global Network for Popular Transportation (GNPT) ran a workshop on Paratransit Day at the Transforming Transportation Conference in Washington, D.C. earlier this year. More than fifty people from different countries participated. Researchers, program officers, development officers, and transportation professionals, representing nonprofits, private companies, development organizations, multilateral banks, and