From accessibility measures to the understanding of walkability

WK-2023-EP-04Project Leader: Juan Pablo Ospina ZapataSchool of Applied Sciences and Engineering, Universidad EAFIT, Colombia. Partners: Abstract: In many cities in the Global South, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), urban planning often suffers from inequalities and segregation in land use and population distribution. Additionally, while accessibility measurement has advanced in other contexts, many

Walking to School in Latin America

WK-2023-EP-10Project leader:Alexandra Krstikj,School of Architecture, Art and Design, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey State of Mexico, Mexico Partners: Abstract: Despite walking being ubiquitous in Latin America, we know very little regarding walking behaviors and conditions in which these walking trips take place. Even less is known regarding walking equity and children, even

Measuring Walkability: A Comprehensive Index for Enhancing Pedestrian-Friendly Environments in Latin American Cities

WK-2023-EP-12Ana Margarita, Larranaga UriarteUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, School of Engineering, Laboratory of Transport Systems, (LASTRAN), Porto Alegre, Brazil. Abstract Walking is a prevalent mode of transportation in Latin American cities, yet it often lacks the priority it deserves in public policies. Cultural, institutional, and infrastructure barriers hinder walkability, exacerbating social and economic