Communicating Mobility and Access Research for Policy and Public Impact in Sub-Saharan Africa


This course equips early career researchers and scholars in their Masters and PhD studies with appropriate skills to translate research findings into clear, impactful messages. The course will enable the participants to craft compelling presentations utilizing visuals and other tools for maximum impact. In addition, they will adapt communication styles for diverse audiences, including policymakers, to drive positive change especially in transport and mobility in sub-Saharan-Africa.


The “Aha!” moment of any study is when the results come alive. This means that research thrives on breakthroughs, but true impact lies in effectively sharing your discoveries beyond the academic community. This short course will equip the participants to bridge that gap and get their research noticed by the audiences who matter most; from policymakers to the public. Clear communication is critical in order to avoid failing to communicate the correct message to the correct audience (Muchunku & Ageyo 2020 & 2022). They opine that the intended audience misses information due to language barriers and complex jargon.

The proposed short course addresses these challenges by harnessing the power of language; by learning how to avoid jargon and choose impactful words that resonate with your audience. Further to that, participants will learn how to leverage multimedia tools to create captivating presentations using visuals and other elements to grab and hold attention (Wagumba, 2023). There are various techniques for researchers, communication specialists and journalists to package research findings into information that is both appealing and understandable to policymakers and the public (Wendo, 2022; Wendo, 2021; Wendo, 2018; Eysenbach, 2011). If done successfully, this can improve the social impact and relevance of scientific research.

This short course presents an opportunity for young scholars to amplify the impact of their research and advance their careers in Science Communication. The course is tailored specifically for researchers and advanced graduate students in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) to tool them for the trade. This course also presents an opportunity for mentoring young scholars who largely lack mentorship for various reasons. The short-course facilitators intend to maintain this group as a cohort to further benefit from ScieDev.Net’s wide range of learning resources. Hopefully, they can become trainers of trainers in advancing science communication in mobility and access studies in SSA. Multimedia University of Kenya (HOST) is well known for its expertise in communication courses. Besides, among the trainers is Dr. Charles Wendo, an accomplished expert in building the capacity of researchers to communicate their research to policymakers and the public. Dr. Nyachieo, a renowned transport sociologist, is among the trainers to ensure accurate contextualizing of mobility and transport research. The course ultimately meets the MAC goal of increasing the knowledge and capacity base on issues related to equitable access and sustainable mobility at universities in SSA and strengthening academic capacity and skills among university researchers and students within the area of urban transport and mobility at universities in SSA.


To train social scientists in the mobility and access industry how to effectively communicate their research results to various target audiences. 
The specific objectives of the short course will be as follows:

  1. To equip learners with skills in developing clear, focused and well-structured messages that can attract the attention of policymakers.   
  2. To equip learners with skills to strategically integrate multimedia elements (e.g., images, videos, infographics) into their communication to improve audience comprehension of research findings.
  3. To equip participants to develop the skills to tailor presentations to diverse audiences based on stakeholder needs and adapt communication style and language accordingly.
  4. To disseminate knowledge and stimulate dialogues among researchers, policymakers and other stakeholders in urban mobility.


  1. A strong team of young scholars well-equipped with skills in effective communication and dissemination of scientific knowledge and research results to various target groups in society.
  2. A team of next-generation scholars with developed careers contributing to international knowledge building, stimulate dialogues among researchers and other stakeholders in urban mobility.
  3. Improved knowledge and capacity on issues related to equitable access and sustainable mobility at universities in SSA.
  4. Increased awareness of transport and mobility study findings and innovations by policymakers and the public.


Course Lead 

Dr. Collins Wangumba, Multimedia University of Kenya