For many years VREF has provided support, opportunities, and activities for Next Generation Scholars in the FUT program, with the following aims:
- to build interdisciplinary and thematically overarching communities among young researchers
- to contribute to supporting young researchers in their academic work and careers
- to contribute to a new generation of researchers and research environments within the FUT program
In 2023, a pilot initiative was carried out within the NextGen community in the MAC program, where VREF – in addition to providing grants – also took various initiatives to encourage young researchers at African universities to share their scientific work, develop their contacts, and network with each other.
In 2024 this MAC pilot will merge with other VREF initiatives for young researchers into a cross-program VREF NextGen Community which will convene activities for NextGen scholars and facilitate knowledge exchanges and synergies between all VREF programs. Read more about this change, VREFs NextGen support and activities and how to join here.