Research Forum for VREF NextGen Scholars

Dear Next Generation Scholars in the VREF Community,
We are happy to share this invitation and hope to see you at the first VREF NextGen Research Forum – where we will focus on:

Exploring Viable Walking Solutions in Sub-Saharan Africa


DATE: Wednesday 30 October 2024
TIME: 12:00 – 14:00 GMT (Note GMT time zone!)

In Sub-Saharan Africa, walking is a vital mode for access and mobility for millions of inhabitants. However, challenges such as limited infrastructure, safety concerns and long distances in uninhabitable weather hinder accessibility to key services. This requires exploring sustainable strategies and approaches that promote walking as a key practical, safe and healthy transportation option, to pave the way for improved mobility and quality of life in the region. This research forum aims to explore innovative and viable walking solutions that enhance mobility and community connectivity.

Questions will include:

  • What are the main barriers to safe and accessible walking in rural and urban areas?
  • What specific infrastructure improvements are necessary to support walking as a viable transportation option?
  • What sustainable practices can be implemented to ensure the longevity of walking solutions in the region?


Welcome and introduction: Henrik Nolmark, VREF
Moderators: Robert Ambunda, University of Namibia; Paschalin Basil, University of Nairobi, Kenya
Logistical host: Karin Henriksson, VREF
VREF NextGen initiative – short orientation and news: Robert Ambunda, Paschalin Basil


”Transforming the unwalkable city: knowledge, practices, and interventions for a more inclusive future of walking in Africa
Presenter: Maria Jose Nieto, UCL-DPU, UK
Discussant: Consuelo Araneda Diaz, Technische Univerität Berlin, Germany

Implementing creative methodological innovations for walkability 
Presenter: Tiffany-Angel Kivihya and Eric Omburo Abuya, University of Nairobi, Kenya
Discussant: Nisha NairIIT Bombay, India

Decarbonizing the Transport Sector through Walking and Cycling: Perspectives from Nigeria
Presenter: Olayemi Funmilayo Dickson, National Centre for Technology Management, Nigeria
Discussant: Lucas Cavalcante Machado, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Plenary Discussion

Closing – news from VREF; short survey


In 2021 VREF’s “Mobility and Access in African Cities” program (MAC) launched a series of virtual seminars or “webinars” – known as Research Forums – on issues related to sustainable urban mobility and equitable access in Sub-Saharan African (SSA) cities. This series was later expanded to a separate series of “MAC NextGen Research Forums” focusing on current work by young scholars in SSA, specifically advanced master students, Ph.D. candidates and early career scholars. 
Starting in 2024, VREF is initiating its “VREF NextGen Research Forums” to enable exchange of knowledge and perspectives among NextGen scholars within all its programs. 

The purpose of the Next Gen Research Forum is:

  • to stimulate scientific discussion among the NextGen community on specific issues and themes in the area of sustainable urban mobility and equitable access;
  • to provide an opportunity for young scholars to present and discuss their on-going work with their peers within the community; 
  • to provide a meeting place for dialogue and exchange among young scholars and other stakeholders within the community 

The Research Forum on 30 October 2024 is the first in the special series “VREF NextGen Research Forums” – designed specifically for young scholars and other stakeholders within the community.

Do you have questions, thoughts or ideas related to the VREF NextGen Initiative? 
Do not hesitate to contact us: