Invitation to Express Interest in Writing a Think Piece

VREF invites NextGen scholars in SSA to submit an Expression of Interest (EoI) for a commissioned think piece on ”Being a Next Generation Scholar in Mobility & Access in SSA: conditions, opportunities and challenges, ways forward”.


The Volvo Research and Educational Foundations (VREF) “Next Generation Initiative” seeks to contribute to forming a new generation of highly skilled university researchers and teachers in the area of mobility & access, broadly defined. This initiative encompasses all the programs and platforms currently supported by VREF, including the program on “Walking as a Mode of Transport” (WALKING), the “Informal and Shared Mobility in Low-income Countries” (ISM) program, and the “Mobility & Access in African Cities” (MAC) program. 

Within the MAC program, the purpose of the NextGen initiative is to develop and support a vibrant community within which young scholars at Sub-Saharan African (SSA) universities can share their academic work, develop their professional skills, and increase their awareness of resources and opportunities for advancing their academic careers. By NextGen Scholars, VREF refers to advanced master students, Ph.D. candidates, and early career researchers (within five years after doctoral degree) – regardless of age. 

At this time, VREF through its MAC program would like to invite NextGen scholars at universities in SSA to submit an Expression of Interest (EoI) to write a think piece on the theme of ”Being a Next Generation Scholar in Mobility & Access in SSA: conditions, opportunities and challenges, and ways forward.” 


The overall purpose and scope of the proposed think piece are: 

  • to describe the current situation with regard to professional conditions, frameworks, and/or issues which can influence the ability of NextGen scholars in SSA to achieve their goals and pursue their academic careers within mobility and access (broadly defined); 
  • to discuss the experiences and perspectives (including gender-based perspectives) of NextGen scholars in SSA in relation to challenges and barriers in their professional situations, as well as approaches for constructively dealing with such challenges; 
  • to suggest possible resources, opportunities and approaches which NextGen scholars might fruitfully utilize to strengthen their professional work situations; 
  • to suggest and reflect upon recommendations and possible innovative “ways forward” for NextGen scholars at various stages of their academic careers (master level, Ph.D level, early career researchers) 

Read full Invitation to Express Interest and Application Guidelines here (pdf)

Deadline for submission of an EoI is 15 May 2024.